


Women / 天下女人心

  • 黃少祺 / 陳冠霖 / 連靜雯 / 高宇蓁 / 簡沛恩 / 黃玉榮 / 亮哲 / 霍正奇 / 況明潔
  • Length: 60/120 mins
  • Eps: 400+/200+
  • Language: Taiwanese


黃少祺、陳冠霖、連靜雯、高宇蓁、簡沛恩、黃玉榮、亮哲、霍正奇、況明潔 領銜主演



Thirty years ago, on the night of their wedding, Chang Ren CEO’s only son, Hao-Wen Chen, accidentally found his soon-to-be wife having an affair with his brother-in-law, Ming-Lung Lee. Hao-Wen was losing his head, he wanted to kill the sinful couple but accidentally killed his sister Hao-Ping, who rushed over to save her husband. A wedding was turned into a funeral…but the Chen family’s sufferings have just begun…

Thirty years later, Wei-Ming Chen, the soon-to-be CEO of Chang Ren Group, proposes a contract marriage to the already-married Shi-Mei Liu so that he could expedite his path to power and as payback on his ex-girlfriend. Ying-Ci Du deeply loves Shi-Mei, but reluctantly agrees to his wife’s request so that she could use this opportunity to save her family.

Ying-Ci’s good friend, Le-Duo Yang, is secretly grateful that he has absolutely no luck with love as he sees his friend suffering from it. Weighing 120 kilograms, he never dreamed of cupid’s arrow finding him, but that was until he met Bao Sun, who was as broad as he was… Unfortunately, Bao’s heart is already completely devoted to the rich womanizer Ci-Tai Yen. And nobody would have guessed that Le-Duo and Ci-Tai were half-brothers of different fathers. How would Bao choose between these two brothers? Will Le-Duo neglect relations with his brother and fight for his own love?

全台最大的美妝代理集團長仁集團,他們靠著賺女人的錢得到榮華富貴,卻也因為女人的介入,家族幾度面臨分崩離析的困境…… 三十年前,長仁集團總裁獨子陳皓文,新婚之夜意外撞見妻子謝麗玲與妹婿李明隆偷情,失去理智的他欲處決兩人,沒想到卻意外的害死趕來救夫的妹妹皓萍……婚禮變喪禮,陳家的苦難卻才剛要開始……


英騏的好友楊樂多,眼見好友為情所困,暗自慶幸自己是個愛情絕緣體,體重120公斤的他,從沒想過愛神的箭會射向自己,直至遇見跟自己份量相當的胖妹孫寶兒,才開始有戀愛的感覺……可惜寶兒的心思完全被花心大少顏啟泰給佔滿了,而誰也沒料到樂多跟啟泰竟是同母異父的兄弟,寶兒夾在兩兄弟間,該如何抉擇?樂多會不顧兄弟之情,勇敢爭取自己的愛情嗎?啟泰會真的為寶兒改頭換面,轉性成為居家好男人嗎?   面對親情、愛情、友情……每一次的選擇,就是一次考驗與淬鍊!


Length:60 / 120mins

Eps:400 / 200+

