


The Goledn Ferris Wheel / 金色摩天輪

  • 江宏恩 / 林韋君
  • Chiang Hung En / Lin Wei Jiun
  • Length: 60 mins
  • Eps: 400
  • Language: Hokkien / Mandarin


Lift like riding the Ferris wheel. When you are at the lowest point, you move up gradually, free and easy. When you are at the highest point, you feel like taking control of this world, but there are risks everywhere at the same time.

The president of Sun-Foo Limited, Tsai-Tien Shen, has an excellent reputation in the business industry. The mafia, government officials, fine folks and law enforcement agents all have to show him respect. However, he doesn't succeed by chance. His secret of success is that he knows well about the situations. His assets have increased so fast these few years that he is now the richest man in Taiwan.

Unfortunately, no one can stay at the peak forever. Now he has to deal with life's tests coming one by one when his business and family luck is at the peak.


